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Fredrik Bolmsten European Spallation Source ERIC Date and time: 20 March, 202514:00-14:45 + discussion Check out at our Seminars page
Fredrik Bolmsten European Spallation Source ERIC Date and time: 20 March, 202514:00-14:45 + discussion Check out at our Seminars page
We are proud to announce that Maria Gracheva, a talented postdoctoral researcher at BNC, has been honored with the EK Young Scientist Award. This award recognizes young researchers from the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research (HUN-REN EK) who demonstrate excellence in their research and serve as role models for emerging Read more…
We are pleased to announce the signing of a new Collaborative Agreement between the Basque Center for Materials, Applications, and Nanostructures (BCMATERIALS) and the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research. This partnership aims to enhance scientific cooperation in Neutron Scattering, Materials Sciences and Environmental Remediation. The agreement encourages the exchange of Read more…
The BNC is pleased to update the user community on the ongoing reconstruction of the BRR. Over the next two months, battery banks will be replaced and installed. These works are expected to be completed by mid-March, paving the way for the BRR to conduct 12–24-hour test cycles in March. Read more…
The Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) has recently implemented a new organizational structure with the aim of enhancing collaboration and efficiency. The Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department and the Neutron Spectroscopy Department of the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research have merged into a division from the 1st of January under the Read more…
We wish all our colleagues, scientific and industrial partners a peaceful and blessed Christmas and a prosperous, happy New Year.
We are pleased to announce that, prof. Steven Biegalski has been selected to receive the 2025 Hevesy Medal (HMA-2025). Professor Steven Biegalski, working in the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA in recognition of his significant contributions to nuclear analytical chemistry by developing comprehensive methods for analyzing radioxenon signatures Read more…
Zsolt Kasztovszky, a colleague of BNC, successfully defended his treatise, titled “Application of prompt-gamma activation analysis to determine the provenance of silicate-based archaeological finds and their raw materials,” in December 2024. In recognition of his scholarly contributions, he was awarded the highest scientific degree in Hungary, the Doctor of the Read more…
One of them is focusing on the examination of host rocks possible for HLW deposition in Hungary, while the other is highlighting measurements on calcium phosphate-based material used in the reductive adsorption of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) for water remediation. Boda Claystone is considered to be a perspective host rock for Read more…
The 10th anniversary of CERIC-ERIC was successfully celebrated with a series of lectures on Monday, 25 November 2024, from 09:00 to 13:00 CET in Budapest at BNC. After the official celebration of the 10th anniversary of CERIC in Brussels on 21 November 2024, each of the member countries has organised Read more…