Noémi Anna Buczkó, Boglárka Maróti, Katalin Gméling, László Szentmiklósi (2024). Neutron‑based analytical techniques for the elemental composition analysis of electronic waste samples: advantages and challenges. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333: 5135–5150.

To facilitate the development of a methodology that is appropriate for the determination of the elemental composition of a range of electronic waste materials, which should encompass all valuable, critical and hazardous elements, we have investigated the potential applicability of instrumental and in-beam NAA methods. In doing so, we have considered the significance of the most important matrix effect, namely neutron self-shielding, and the possibilities of its correction for the measurement of e-waste.

Noémi Anna Buczkó, Mariann Papp, Boglárka Maróti, Zoltán Kis, László Szentmiklósi (2024). Classification of Electronic Waste Components through X-ray and Neutron-Based Imaging Techniques. Materials, MDPI,17: 4707.

In this study, we have compared the applicability, advantages and limitations of X-ray and neutron-based imaging and their combination for the determination of the internal structure of different e-waste. The combination of the two methods has provided comprehensive information on their structure, which can be used to inform the efficient, economical and environmentally friendly recycling of these materials.